Ataya & Partners, in collaboration with Solvay Business School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM), represented by Professor Georges Ataya, has been accepted as a full member of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).
Introduction to ESDC
The ESDC, in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), provides EU–level training and education in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).
ESDC was officially established in 2005, aiming to deliver strategic-level education on CSDP, and provide knowledgeable personnel, within both EU Institutions and EU Member States. It aims to develop and promote a common understanding of CSDP among civilian and military personnel and to identify and disseminate, through its training activities, good practices in relation to various CSDP issues. By doing so, the ESDC complements the national efforts in the field of training and education.
Currently, the ESDC reaches out even beyond European borders, aiming to further promote EU values and share best practices in security and defence. The ESDC is organised as a network bringing together civilian and military institutes, colleges, academies, universities, institutions, and other actors dealing with security and defence policy issues within the Union as identified by Member States.
The College is embedded in the European External Action Service, but has its own legal capacity. The ESDC is funded via an operating grant guided by the European Commission's Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), which is co-located with the European External Action Service (EEAS).
"Security Operations Center (SOC) as a template"
Within their involvement as members of the ESDC, Ataya & Partners and SBS-EM have contributed to various initiatives within the ESDC network. An education session titled “Security Operations Center (SOC) as a template” was delivered in cooperation with the GR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NL MoD (milCERT), and Solvay Lifelong Learning. The first two days included presentations and theory, NIS2, mapping between NIS and Incident Response, and the SOC work done by ENISA. Later, the deputy Director of the NL milCERT presented the governance, best practices, and tools used in a SOC.
On the second day, July 2, Taco Mulder, Topic leader at Solvay Lifelong Learning, addressed the CISO duties in relation to the SOC, governance from the public sector's point of view, setting up the controls, the roles of the SOC members, and other relevant aspects.
Another initiative led by Ataya & Partners and Solvay Lifelong Learning includes the development of a CISO course to be delivered early in 2025 to ESDC members.

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